The most common signs of sludge or scale in your heating system?
The boiler is nosier than usual
The system takes longer to warm up
One or more of the radiators are cold at the bottom, making some rooms colder than others
Radiators need to be bled regularly
Sludge in the feed and expansion tank (if fitted)
Sludge / scale build-up in the pipework and at the bottom of radiators can cause serious damage. Cleaning your central heating system can help prevent this.
Why you should clean your central heating system
To make it more efficient
To reduce heating bills
To improve the system's lifespan
Badly sludge or scaled heating system, may require the system to be power flushed to remove the build-up, preventing the heating system form being efficient.
What we Recommend
Power flushing can be very harsh on older heating systems and may cause pipe work and joints to fail causing pressure loss / leaks.
We would recommend a less harsh cleaning flushing regime:
Drain system and refill with cleaner
Allow cleaner to flow through the system for 3-4 weeks
Drain out system and flush with mains water until system runs clean
Refill and vent systems with inhibitor to prolong the efficiency of the system and reduce build-up of sludge and scale.
Contact HM services for quotation 028 9263 4700 – or click for call back
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Would you like additional information about our repairs and other related services? Reach out, we’d be happy to hear from you.
Unit 9 Lisburn Enterprise Centre, Lisburn BT28 2BP
Tel: 028 9263 4700
Fax: 02892 634144